Who We Are

MIHEI is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization driven by a passionate commitment to addressing the pressing challenges surrounding maternal and infant health. Recognizing the critical need for change, we have embarked on a journey to transform the landscape of perinatal care, ensuring that every mother and child receives the support and resources they deserve.

Our Mission

At MIHEI, we are on a mission to make a profound impact on maternal and infant health in developing countries, starting with Nigeria. We are dedicated to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates through innovative solutions that foster accessible, comprehensive, and equitable perinatal care.

Our Vision

A world where maternal and infant health disparities are eradicated, and every individual, regardless of their socio-economic background, has access to quality and compassionate perinatal care.

"In an ideal society, every woman should have the right to affordable, equitable, and high-quality healthcare throughout the entire journey of pregnancy—before, during, and after. Unfortunately, the reality is that too many women, despite their behavioral, economic, and social factors, are still denied this fundamental access." - Dami Shobiye, Founder of MIHEI